Hippie Shake Records
Rock & Pop LP's

Condition (cover/record) | Notes (abbreviations) | EUR (currency)

LP1927...IshGermanyvg+/exinn, toc7,00
LPABCBeauty StabFinlandex/exinn7,00
LPAceAn Ace AlbumUSAvg+/exinn, co7,00
LPAceTime For AnotherUSAex/ex 9,00
LPAdams, BryanInto The FireGermanyex/exinn, poster7,00
LPAdams, BryanWaking Up The NeighboursHollandex/exinn, 2-LP14,00
LPAdler, Danny BandLiveGermanyvg+/exinn9,00
LPAebersoldNothin' But Blues - Volume 2USAm/mstill sealed9,00
LPAimAim For The HighestUSAvg+/exinn, co10,00
LPAirwavesNew DayUSAex/exinn, co9,00
LPAkronIl Tempio Di FerroItalyex/exw/book, ltd 82/40017,00
LPAlabamaSouthern StarGermanyex/ex 7,00
LPAlbatrossC'est La Vie - Live In FranceHollandex/vg+inn12,00
LPAliotta HaynesAliotta Haynes MusicUSAvg/vgwoc12,00
LPAlways AugustBlack PyramidUSAex/ex 12,00
LPAmazing BlondelMulgrave StreetUKvg+/ex 9,00
LPAmbrosiaRoad IslandUSAex/mstill sealed, co9,00
LPAmen CornerHigh In The SkyUKex/ex 7,00
LPAmen CornerThe Return Of The Magnificent SevenUKvg+/ex 7,00
LPAmerican FlyerSameUSAex/exinn12,00
LPAmerican FlyerSpirit Of a WomanUKex/ex 9,00
LPAmerican Standard BandSameUSAex/vg+inn, co9,00
LPAnantaNight And DaydreamUKvg+/exsoc, toc7,00
LPAnderson, LynnListen To a Country SongUKex/ex 5,00
LPAnderson, LynnRose GardenUKex/ex 7,00
LPAndersson, LenaLena, 15Swedenex/ex 14,00
LPAndra BullarSameSwedenvg+/exins, autographed12,00
LPAnimalsInside Looking OutUKex/ex2-LP " Sequel records"14,00
LPArgentCircusHollandex/ex 14,00
LPArol Wulf-ZendikYou've Been Gone...Germanyvg+/exwoc, blue vinyl17,00
LPAtkin, PeteThe Master Of The RevelsUKvg+/ex 7,00
LPAttitudesGood NewsUSAvg+/exinn, co5,00
LP(Audience) Werth, HowardKing BrilliantUSAex/exins, co10,00
LPAuger, Brian - Rearch PartyPlanet Earth Calliing...USAex/ex 12,00
LPAyers, KevinDiamond Jack And The Queen Of PainUKex/ex 17,00
LPBabySameUSAvg/vg+ 14,00
LPBabysBroken HeartHollandex/ex 9,00
LPBaccaraSameSwedenvg+/ex 7,00
LPBachman, RandySurvivorUSAvg+/vg+woc7,00
LPBachman-Turner OverdriveRock n' Roll NightsHollandvg+/extoc7,00
LPBachman-Turner OverdriveYou Ain't Seen Nothing YetUKex/exri9,00
LPBack DoorAnother Fine MessUKvg+/exwoc14,00
LPBack Street CrawlerThe Band Plays OnUSAex/exco9,00
LPBad CompanyRun With The PackUSAvg+/vg+ 14,00
LPBagger, AnkieWhere Were You Last NightSwedenex/exinn7,00
LPBaker, Ginger Air ForceFree KingsGermanyex/exKarussell25,00
LPBanderaKnightsUSAex/ex 9,00
LPBapFür UsszeschniggeGermanyex/exposter5,00
LPBapLive - Bess DemnähxGermanyvg+/exbooklet, 2-LP10,00
LPBapVun Drinne Noh DrusseGermanyvg+/exbooklet5,00
LPBarclay James HarvestBaby James HarvestGermanyvg+/vg+inn14,00
LPBarclay James HarvestEarly Morning OnwardsUKex/ex"Starline"12,00
LPBarclay James HarvestEveryone Is Everybody ElseUKvg+/vg+toc9,00
LPBarclay James HarvestGone To EarthGermanyvg+/exclub edition9,00
LPBarclay James HarvestOctoberonUSAvg+/vg+ 9,00
LPBarclay James HarvestTime Honoured GhostsGermanyvg+/extoc9,00
LPBarclay James HarvestTurn Of The TideNorwayvg/extoc9,00
LPBarclay James HarvestXIIGermanyex/exclub edition9,00
LPBare, BobbyHard Time HungrysUKvg+/exwoc9,00
LPBarnes, JimmySameGermanyvg+/exinn, soc7,00
LPBarrabasPowerGermanyex/vg 9,00
LPBatt, MikeTarot SuiteHollandex/exinn10,00
LPBear, Richard T.Red Hot & BlueUSAex/exinn, co7,00
LPBeat FarmersPoor & FamousUSAex/ex 9,00
LPBeat FarmersThe Pursuit Of HappinessGermanyex/ex 9,00
LPBeau BrummelsVol. 44USAvg+/vg+Vault Records25,00
LPBeaver BrothersVentriloquismsUKex/ex 14,00
LPBedford, DavidThe OdysseyJapanex/exins, obi, YX-7168-VR30,00
LPBee GeesLonely DaysAustriavg+/vg+ 20,00
LPBeggars FarmBeneath The Moon Of IlsaconItalyex/exinn, numbered17,00
LPBeguiledBlue DirgeUSAex/exins12,00
LPBell, GrahamSameGermanyex/ex 17,00
LPBellamy BrothersSons Of The SunUSAex/exinn7,00
LPBenatar, PatGet NervousSwedenex/exinn9,00
LPBenatar, PatLive From EarthUSAvg+/exinn, co9,00
LPBenatar, PatTropicoCanadaex/exinn, co9,00
LPBenatar, PatWide Awake In DreamlandSwedenex/exinn9,00
LPBennett, Brian BandRock DreamsUKex/ex 20,00
LPBig BrotherRock And Roll Is Alive And WellDenmarkvg+/exsoc14,00
LPBig John's Rock 'n' Roll CircusOn The RoadUKex/vg+ 10,00
LPBig Wha-KooSameJapanex/exins, obi17,00
LPBilly SatelliteSameGermanyvg+/extoc, woc6,00
LPBintangsBye Bye - Live In ParadisoHollandvg+/ex2-LP20,00
LPBirdhouseBurnin' UpUKex/ex 9,00
LPBirdhouseMeglamaniaUKex/ex 9,00
LPBirthaCan't Stop The MadnessUKvg+/vg+ 20,00
LPBishop, ElvinHog HeavenUSAvg+/extoc9,00
LPBishop, ElvinJuke Joint JumpUSAvg+/ex 9,00
LPBlackWonderful LifeGermanyex/exinn, sol7,00
LPBlack Oak ArkansasI'd Rather Be SailingUSAex/exco17,00
LPBlastSameUSAex/exinn, co7,00
LPBlood, Sweat & TearsGreatest HitsHollandex/vg+soc9,00
LPBlood, Sweat & TearsNew BloodUKex/vg+ins17,00
LPBlood, Sweat & TearsThe First AlbumUKex/exri12,00
LPBloodrockBloodrock 2Australiavg+/exwol25,00
LPBloodstoneTrain Ride To HollywoodUSAvg+/exinn, co9,00
LPBloomfield, MikeLive In ItalyItalyvg+/vg+inn20,00
LPBlow MonkeysChoices - The Singles CollectionGermanyvg+/exinn6,00
LPBlueAnother Night Time FlightUKex/exinn7,00
LPBlue AngelSameUSAex/exinn, co, feat. Cyndi Lauper14,00
LPBlue KnightsMy Home TownFinlandvg+/vg+ 8,00
LPBlue MinkMelting PotUKex/ex 7,00
LPBlue MinkReal MinkUSAvg+/vg+co7,00
LPBlue RodeoOutskirtsGermanyvg+/exinn, toc7,00
LPBlue SteelNo More Lonely NightsUSAex/exinn9,00
LPBlue ZöneBig ThingGermanyvg+/exinn, promo insert7,00
LPBodastThe Bodast TapesUKex/exwol14,00
LP(Bolton, Michael) Bolotin, MichaelSameUSAvg+/exco, toc9,00
LPBombHappy All The TimeUSAvg+/ex 7,00
LPBonds, Gary U.S.DedicationCanadavg+/exinn, toc7,00
LPBonner, Juke BoyThe StruggleFranceex/ex 25,00
LPBoom Boom ManciniSameHollandvg+/extoc7,00
LPBoom Crash OperaSameGermanyvg+/exinn, toc7,00
LPBoone, PatHe Leadeth MeUKex/ex 15,00
LPBoppersKeep On Boppin'Swedenex/ex 12,00
LPBoppersNumber: 1Swedenex/vg+ 12,00
LPBown, AlanStretching OutUKvg+/ex 17,00
LPBox Of FrogsSameHollandvg+/exwoc9,00
LPBox Of FrogsStrange LandHollandvg+/ex 9,00
LPBox TopsNonstopUSAex/vg+co20,00
LPBoyd, LionaPersonaHollandex/exfeat. Clapton, Gilmour, Ray Cooper12,00
LPBrady, PaulHard StationUKex/exinn9,00
LPBrainiac 5World InsideUKex/extest pressing14,00
LPBrânHedfan?ex/exri "Breeder Backtrack"20,00
LPBrand XMasquesUSAex/vg+co12,00
LPBranigan, LauraHold MeGermanyex/ex 7,00
LP(Bread) Gates, DavidNever Let Her GoUSAvg+/ex 9,00
LPBream, Julian & Williams, JohnLiveUKex/ex2-LP14,00
LPBremner, BillyBadh!Swedenex/exco9,00
LPBromberg, DavidSideman SerenadeUSAex/expromo stamp on cover9,00
LPBroncoAce Of SunlightUKvg+/vg+woc, wol25,00
LPBronski Beat/Martin StephensonTruthdare Doubledare/Boat To BoliviaUKexpromo7,00
LPBrooks, ElkieRich Man's WomanUSAvg+/vg+ 12,00
LPBrooks, ElkieShooting StarUSAex/exco7,00
LPBrown, ArthurDance WithUSAex/exco9,00
LPBrown, JamesGravityHollandex/ex 9,00
LPBrown, JesseMemorial AlbumUKex/ex 9,00
LPBrown, SamStopHollandex/vg+inn7,00
LPBrowne, DuncanStreets Of FireUKex/ex 9,00
LPBrowne, DuncanThe Wild PlacesUSAex/exinn9,00
LPBrowne, DuncanTravelling ManUKex/ex 14,00
LPBrowne, JacksonLives In The BalanceGermanyex/exinn7,00
LPBryant, JohnSameUSAex/exco10,00
LPBrücken, ClaudiaLove: And a Million Other ThingsHollandex/exinn12,00
LPBulldog BreedMade In EnglandUKex/exri "Acme", LP+7" single20,00
LPBullens, CindyDesire WireUSAvg+/exco9,00
LPBullens, CindySteal The NightUSAex/exinn7,00
LPBurke, JeremiahSilverstreamGermanyex/exins7,00
LPBurlesqueAcupunctureGermanyvg+/ex 9,00
LPBurnett, T-BoneThe Talking AnimalsHollandex/exinn9,00
LPBurns, Randy And The Sky Dog BandSameUSAex/exco12,00
LPBusch, ErnstSolidaritätEast-Germanyex/ex 7,00
LPBush, Stan & BarrageSameGermanyvg+/vg+toc7,00
LPByrd, Charlie TrioTravellin' ManUKex/vg+ 14,00
LPCadd, BrianMoonshineUSAex/ex 7,00
LPCado BelleSameUSAex/exinn, co7,00
LPCalicoVol. IIUSAvg+/extoc, co12,00
LPCalifornia SmokerD2D Chapter 1USAex/exwhite vinyl12,00
LPCanned HeatHuman ConditionUSAex/ex 14,00
LPCapability BrownVoiceUSAex/exco12,00
LPCapaldi, JimSome Come RunningHollandvg+/exinn, toc, promo insert12,00
LPCapaldi, JimWhale Meat AgainUSAvg+/exinn, co9,00
LPCare PackageKeep On Keepin' OnUSAex/exco7,00
LPCarlisle, BelindaLive Your Life Be FreeGermanyex/exinn12,00
LPCarmelSet Me FreeHollandex/vg+inn7,00
LPCarmen, EricBoats Against The CurrentUSAex/ex 7,00
LPCarmen, EricSame (1984)USAvg+/exco5,00
LPCarthy, Martin & Dave SwarbrickSelectionsUSAex/ex 12,00
LPCashman & WestA Song Or TwoUKex/ex 12,00
LPCassidy, DavidForeverUKex/ex 7,00
LPCastle, HowthGood Morning Mr. NobodyUSAex/exins9,00
LPCastro, Nick & The Young EldersA Day Without DisasterItalyex/ex10", ins, gold vinyl30,00
LPCat Mother And The All Night NewboysThe Street Giveth...And The Street...Germanyex/vg+ 20,00
LPChapin, HarryAnthology OfGermanyex/ex 9,00
LPChapman, RogerChappoGermanyvg+/extoc7,00
LPChapman, RogerTechno-PrisonersGermanyex/exinn9,00
LPCharles ChiliBusy CornerUKvg+/extoc12,00
LPCharles, RayStar-CollectionGermanyex/ex 7,00
LPCharlie Daniels BandPowder KegUSAex/exinn, co9,00
LP(Charlie Daniels Band) Daniels, CharlieTe John, Grease & WolfmanUSAvg+/vg 7,00
LPCherry, NenehRaw Like SushiGermanyex/exinn9,00
LPChi-LitesGreatest HitsUKex/ex 7,00
LPChicagoGreatest HitsJapanex/exinn, ins14,00
LPChicagoThe Heart Of ChicagoGermanyex/vg+ 7,00
LPChicory TipSon Of My FatherUKex/ex 14,00
LPChildThe First AlbumGermanyex/ex 9,00
LPChilli Willi And The Red Hot PeppersBongos Over BalhamUKex/vg+inn20,00
LPChinoxTunna SkivorSwedenex/ex 17,00
LPChioreanu, CostinThere Is a Place Called HomeFinlandex/exbooklet, M-LP14,00
LPChristieSameUKex/vg+ 14,00
LPChristieSamePolandvg+/vg+ 9,00
LPChristmas, KeithBrighter DayUKex/vg+inn, co17,00
LPChristopheLa Dolce VitaFranceex/ex 14,00
LPCitizenSex And SocietyGermanyex/vg+ 9,00
LPClannadAtlantic RealmUKex/ex 7,00
LPClannadMagical RingGermanyex/ex 9,00
LPClapton, EricAnother TicketPhilippinesvg+/exwoc17,00
LPClapton, EricIl Blues Di Eric ClaptonItalyex/exbooklet12,00
LPClapton, EricJourneymanUSAex/exinn12,00
LPClapton, EricMoney And CigarettesUSAex/exinn, promo12,00
LPClapton, EricRainbow ConcertUKvg+/extoc, ri9,00
LPClapton, EricThe Blues World OfUKex/vg+ 9,00
LPClark, DaveTime - The AlbumUKex/exinn, booklet, 2-LP12,00
LPClarke, AllanMy Real Name Is ArnoldUKex/exins14,00
LPClassics IVMamas And Papas/Soul TrainUSAex/vg+ 17,00
LPClayton-Thomas, DavidSameUSAex/exco9,00
LPClemons, ClarenceRescueHollandex/exinn7,00
LPClouds Over ChryslerKitschAustriaex/ex 12,00
LPCloverLove On The WireCanadavg/ex 10,00
LPCockburn, BruceWorld Of WondersUSAex/vg+co7,00
LPCocker, JoeI Can Stand a Little RainGermanyex/exins12,00
LPCocker, JoeJamaica Say You WillBelgiumex/ex 9,00
LPCocker, JoeNight CallsGermanyex/ex 12,00
LP(Cockney Rebel) Harley, SteveTimeless FlightUSAvg+/vg+inn, co12,00
LPCoffinshakersThe Curse Of The Coffinshakers 1996-2016 boxFinlandm/mred vinyl, 4-LP box100,00
LPCole, Richie & Boots RandolphYakety Madness!USAex/ex 7,00
LP(Commander Cody Band) New Commander Cody BandRock 'n Roll AgainUSAex/exco9,00
LPConway, RussTime To PlayHollandex/exri7,00
LPCooder, RyBop Till You DropUSAex/ex 9,00
LPCooder, RyGet RhythmCanadaex/exinn9,00
LPCooder, RyJohnny Handsome (OST)Germanyex/ex 9,00
LPCooder, RyShow TimeUSAvg+/vg+ 12,00
LPCooder, RyThe Slide AreaGermanyex/ex 9,00
LPCook, PeterHere Comes The Judge - Live In ConcertUKvg+/extoc7,00
LPCope, JulianMy Nation UndergroundUKex/exinn9,00
LPCorbetta, JerrySameUSAex/exinn, co7,00
LPCorea, ChickMy Spanish HeartGermanyex/ex2-LP20,00
LPCoryell, Larry/CatherineSplendidGermanyex/ex 9,00
LPCountry Joe And The FishReunionFrancevg+/vg+toc12,00
LPCountry Joe McDonaldGoodbye BluesUSAvg+/vg+inn12,00
LPCountry Joe McDonaldLeisure SuiteUSAex/ex 10,00
LPCountry Joe McDonaldLove Is a FireUSAex/exinn12,00
LPCountry Joe McDonaldParadise With On Ocean ViewItalyvg+/extoc9,00
LPCovington, JulieSameUKex/ex 14,00
LPCowsill, BillNervous BreakthroughUSAex/exco12,00
LPCoyne, KevinBursting BubblesUKvg+/vg+ins14,00
LPCrazyheadDesert OrchidUKex/exinn, promo insert8,00
LP(Creedence Clearwater Revival) Fogerty, JohnEye Of The ZombieGermanyex/exinn9,00
LP(Creedence Clearwater Revival) GolliwogsPre-CreedenceUSAex/expromo30,00
LPCricketsT-ShirtUKex/ex 7,00
LPCrimson TideReckless LoveUSAex/exinn, co7,00
LPCropper, StevePlayin' My ThangUSAvg+/extoc,iinn, co7,00
LPCrosby & NashPop Gigantes Del Pop Vol. 11Spainex/ex 12,00
LPCross, ChristopherBack On My MindGermanyvg+/exinn5,00
LPCrowbarHeavy DutyUKex/exins20,00
LPCruzadosAfter DarkAustraliaex/exinn5,00
LPCruzadosSameGermanyex/ex 5,00
LPCrystal MansionSame (Tickets)USAvg+/exinn, co7,00
LPCuff LinksSameUSAvg+/vg+co12,00
LPCurb, Mike CongregationCome TogetherUSAex/exco7,00
LPCurtis, MikiThe First Ear?ex/exinn, ri Bamboo12,00
LPD'Abo, MikeDown At Rachel's PlaceUKvg+/vg+ins12,00
LPD'Arby, Terence TrentIntroducing The Hardline According ToHollandvg+/exinn, toc7,00
LPD'Arby, Terence TrentNeither Fish Or FleshHollandex/exinn7,00
LPDahlgren, EvaEtt Fönster Mot GatanSwedenex/exinn7,00
LPDahlgren, EvaFör VäntanSwedenex/exinn7,00
LPDartsSameGermanyex/ex 7,00
LPDave Dee, Dozy, Beaky, Mick & TichIf Music Be The Food Of Love...UKex/ex 30,00
LPDavies, CraigLike NarcissusUKex/exins7,00
LPDavis, SkeeterYou've Got a FriendUKex/ex 7,00
LPDavis, Spencer & Peter JamesonIt's Been So LongUKex/vg+ 14,00
LPDavolinasEdge Of a New DayGermanyex/exred vinyl12,00
LPDayne, TaylorCan't Fight FateGermanyex/vg+inn5,00
LPDayspringDreamstateUSAvg+/ex10", ins9,00
LPDazzlersSameFinlandvg+/vg 9,00
LPDe ArtsenConny Waves with a ShellGermanyex/exbooklet12,00
LPDee, Kiki BandI've Got The Music In MeUKvg+/vg+inn, soc7,00
LPDel FuegosStand UpHollandex/exinn7,00
LPDerek And CliveCome AgainUKex/ex 7,00
LPDerringer, RickShake MeFranceex/ex 9,00
LPDeShannon, JackieJackieUKex/ex 12,00
LPDiamond, GreggStar CruiserUSAex/exco8,00
LPDiamond, JimDouble CrossedHollandex/exinn7,00
LPDiamond, NeilThe Jazz SingerGermanyvg+/exinn, toc7,00
LPDiesel Park WestShakespeare AlabamaHollandex/exinn8,00
LPDigalongamacsA RaincoatUKvg+/ex 12,00
LP(Dire Straits) Illsley, JohnGlassUSAex/exinn, co6,00
LPDisemballerinaPoison GownFinlandex/exins9,00
LPDNAParty TestedGermanyvg+/extoc9,00
LPDoldingerDoldinger Jubilee '75Germanyvg+/ex 14,00
LPDolphin BrothersCatch The FallUKex/ex 5,00
LPDonnelly, DonalTake The Name Of DonnellyUSAvg+/vg+co7,00
LPDonovanEssence To EssenceHollandvg+/extoc, soc10,00
LPDonovanHear Me NowUSAex/ex 17,00
LPDonovanIn ConcertUSAvg+/ex 12,00
LPDonovanWhat's Bin Did And What's Bin HidUKex/vg+"Marble Arch"14,00
LPDoobie BrothersOne Step CloserUSAex/exinn, co7,00
LPDoobie BrothersWhat Were Once Vices Are Now HabitsUSAvg+/exQuadradisc, poster25,00
LPDoonican, ValThe Lucky 13 Shades Of...Germanyvg+/extoc9,00
LPDoonigan, ValGentle Shades Of...UKvg+/vg+mono10,00
LPDoorsLight My FireRussiavg+/exwoc7,00
LPDr. HookBelly UpUSAex/ex 7,00
LPDr. HookPlayers In The DarkNorwayex/exinn6,00
LPDr. Marigold's PrescriptionPictures Of LifeUKvg+/vg+Marble Arch12,00
LPDransfieldThe Fiddler's DreamUKex/ex 14,00
LPDream AcademyRemembrance DaysGermanyex/exinn7,00
LPDreams So RealGlorylineHollandex/ex 5,00
LPDregsIndustry StandardGermanyvg+/ex 9,00
LPDriscoll, Julie1969UKex/ex 70,00
LPDublinersOn StageSwedenex/ex 12,00
LPDuke & The DriversRollin' OnUSAm/mco, still sealed9,00
LPDunlavyI Ruined AmericaGermanyvg+/extoc, number 242/55012,00
LPDunlavyThe Spinning DogGermanyvg+/extoc, soc12,00
LPDutrong, JacquesLes Grands Succes De...Franceex/ex 12,00
LPDylan, BobGaslight TapesGermanyex/ex3-LP box30,00
LPDylan, BobShot Of LoveHollandvg+/exinn9,00
LPDylan, BobStreet LegalPhilippinesex/ex 12,00
LPDylan, BobThe Little White Wonder Vol. 2Italyvg+/exBuhay records14,00
LPE*I*E*I*OLand Of OpportunitySwedenex/ex 7,00
LP(Eagles) Henley, DonI Can't Stand StillUSAex/exinn, co9,00
LPEarth Quake8.5USAex/ex 7,00
LPEaton, SallyFarewell American TourUSAex/exco12,00
LPEddie Boy BandSameUSAvg+/vg+co7,00
LPEddy, DuaneTwistin' 'n' Twangin'Germanyvg+/vg+toc12,00
LPEdmunds, DaveCloser To The FlameGermanyex/ex 9,00
LPEdmunds, DaveD.E. 7thGermanyex/ex 9,00
LPEdmunds, DaveInformationHollandex/ex 9,00
LPEdmunds, DaveRiff RaffHollandex/ex 9,00
LPEdmunds, DaveThe Classic Tracks 1968/1972UKex/ex 9,00
LPEdmunds, DaveThe Love Sculpture YearsUKex/ex 9,00
LPEdmunds, DaveTracks On Wax 4USAex/ex 9,00
LPEdmunds, DaveTwangin'UKvg+/exinn9,00
LPEdwards, JohnLife Love And LivingUSAm/mstill sealed, co7,00
LPEkberg, Peter O. & AttilaSå HäftigtSwedenex/ex 25,00
LPEkseption5Germanyex/ex 12,00
LPEkseptionBeggar Julia's Time TripHollandvg+/exsoc20,00
LPEkseptionEkseption 00.04Hollandvg+/exPromo sticker on label17,00
LPEkseptionEkseptional ClassicsColombiavg+/vg+toc17,00
LPEkseptionSameGermanyex/ex 14,00
LPElektrodieselThe Summer Sessions In D# (Let's Stay Together)Norwayex/ex 12,00
LPElephant's MemoryAngels ForeverUSAex/exco12,00
LPElliman, YvonneSameUSAvg+/vg+co7,00
LPEmerson, Lake & PalmerPictures At An ExhibitionUKex/vg+ 17,00
LPEmotional FishSameGermanyex/exinn7,00
LPEndThe Last WordUKex/exnumbered 443/100040,00
LPEnglish, JonIn RoadsSwedenvg+/exinn5,00
LPEscape ClubDollars And SexGermanyex/exinn5,00
LPEstefan, GloriaCuts Both WaysHollandex/exinn7,00
LPEtheridge, MelissaSameUKvg+/extoc5,00
LPEuroglidersAbsolutely!Hollandvg/exinn, toc5,00
LPEurythmicsWe Too Are OneGermanyvg+/exins, toc9,00
LPEverly BrothersBorn YesterdayCanadaex/exinn7,00
LPEverly BrothersStories We Could TellUSAvg+/exwoc, co7,00
LP(Everly Brothers) Everly, DonBrother JukeboxUKex/ex 7,00
LPEvery Mothers' SonEvery Mothers' Son's BackUSAex/ex 12,00
LPExileDon't Leave Me This WayUSAm/mstill sealed9,00
LPExileSameGermanyex/ex 10,00
LPFabulous ThunderbirdsButt Rockin'USAex/ex 9,00
LPFabulous ThunderbirdsHot NumberHollandex/exinn9,00
LPFabulous ThunderbirdsSameUSAvg+/ex 9,00
LPFabulous ThunderbirdsTuff EnuffSwedenex/vg+ 7,00
LPFairport ConventionFarewell, FarewellUKvg+/vg+ 20,00
LPFairport ConventionGladys' LeapSwedenvg+/exinn, toc12,00
LPFairport ConventionLive At The L.A. TroubadourUKex/ex 20,00
LPFairport ConventionThe Bonny Bunch Of RosesUKex/vg+ 17,00
LPFairport ConventionTipplers TalesUKex/exins20,00
LPFaith BrothersEventideGermanyvg+/ex 5,00
LPFaith, AdamI SurviveUKex/exins, feat. Ritchie Blackmore12,00
LPFaith, AdamNot Just a MemoryUKex/exSee For Miles9,00
LPFaithfull, MarianneA Child's AdventureYugoslaviavg+/vg+ 9,00
LPFame, GeorgieGeorgie Fame And The Blue...UKvg+/vg+Starline12,00
LPFame, GeorgieSamePolandvg+/vg+ 14,00
LPFame, GeorgieSameUKvg+/ex 30,00
LPFandangoOne Night StandUSAvg+/exinn, woc, Joe Lynn Turner12,00
LPFantacy HillFirst StepUSAex/ex 10,00
LPFar OutWarpigsDenmarkvg+/vg+inn60,00
LPFarrenheitSameGermanyvg+/exinn, woc, toc7,00
LPFaryar, CyrusCyrusUSAvg+/vg+woc, co9,00
LPFenomeniDodicesima DimensioneItalyex/ex 14,00
LPFerry, BryanAnother Time, Another PlaceSwedenex/ex 12,00
LPFingers TaylorHarpoon ManUKvg+/ex 12,00
LPFirmSameGermanyvg+/exinn, toc, soc12,00
LPFirst ThrillsSameUSAex/exco9,00
LPFishbaugh, Fishbaugh and ZornSameUKvg+/vg+toc12,00
LPFive Man Electrical BandGood-Byes & ButterfliesUSAvg+/vg+toc17,00
LPFive Man Electrical BandSameUSAex/exco, ri9,00
LPFixVärviline MaailmRussiaex/exri7,00
LPFlagg, FannieRally 'Round The FlaggUSAex/exco7,00
LPFlash Cadilac And The Continental KidsSons Of THe BeachesUSAex/exco7,00
LPFloating Di MorelMore Memory Than NowGermanyvg+/extoc20,00
LPFlower KingsBack in The World Of AdventuresSwedenexpicture disc60,00
LP(Focus) Akkerman, JanProfileHollandvg+/ex 14,00
LP(Focus) Thijs Van LeerIntrospection 2Hollandvg+/extoc, co10,00
LP(Focus) Thijs Van LeerIntrospection 3 & 4Hollandex/ex2-LP14,00
LP(Focus) Thijs Van LeerIntrospection IVHollandvg+/ex 12,00
LP(Focus) Thys Van LeerRenaissanceGermanyvg+/extoc9,00
LPFoggyPatchwork AlbumUKex/ex 25,00
LPFoghatTight ShoesGermanyex/exco9,00
LPFonografNa MiUjsag Warner UrHungaryex/ex 7,00
LPFoolsFirst Annual Official Unofficial April Fools...USAex/expromo14,00
LPFoolsHeavy MentalSpainvg/extoc7,00
LPForbert, SteveAlive On ArrivalUSAex/ex 7,00
LPForbert, SteveSameHollandex/exinn7,00
LPFord's Imaginary InfernoMeet The Children Of Make-BelieveHollandex/exblue vinyl9,00
LPFord's Imaginary InfernoSummer Breeze And Magic TreesHollandex/exwhite vinyl9,00
LPFord, GarnettPostcardCanadaex/exco7,00
LPForeignerInside InformationUSAex/vg+inn, co7,00
LPFourmostFirst And FourmostUKex/ex"See For Miles"9,00
LPFowley, KimSunset BoulevardUSAex/exco12,00
LPFoxTails Of IllusionUKex/exinn9,00
LPFrampton, PeterWind Of ChangeUKex/vg+ 17,00
LPFranke & The KnockoutsBelow The BeltUSAex/exinn7,00
LPFranklin, ArethaHey Now Hey (The Other Side Of The Sky)UKex/ex 14,00
LPFranz Franz & The Melody BoysKostbare Miniaturen Der...Austriaex/exinn, booklet17,00
LPFred, John And His Playboy BandAgnes EnglishUSAex/vg+co12,00
LPFreddie and The DreamersHits WithUKex/vg+MFP14,00
LPFreiheitFantasyGermanyvg+/exinn, toc5,00
LPFrostEarly FrostUSAex/exco14,00
LPFrummoxHere To ThereUSAex/vg+co12,00
LPFunzoneSameUSAex/exins, co7,00
LPGallagher And LyleBreakawayUSAex/exinn7,00
LPGallagher And LyleLove On The AirwavesHollandex/exinn7,00
LPGary T'to And The Loose Change BandI WaitSwedenex/exinn12,00
LPGasoline BandSameUKex/ex 20,00
LPGayle, CrystalCrystalUSAvg+/ex 12,00
LPGeils, J. BandYou're Gettin' Even While I'm Gettin' OddUSAm/mstill sealed, co7,00
LP(Geils, J. Band) Wolf, PeterCome As You AreHollandex/exinn7,00
LP(Geils, J. Band) Wolf, PeterLights OutHollandex/exinn7,00
LP(Genesis) Gabriel, PeterLive USAGermanyex/ex 20,00
LP(Genesis) Rutherford, MikeSmallcreep's DayUSAex/exco7,00
LPGentry, BobbieWay Down SouthUKex/exMFP 500067,00
LPGents/BestWe Gotta Get Outa This Place / Best Of The BestUSAex/exri10,00
LPGeorge, RobinDangerous MusicGermanyvg+/exins9,00
LPGeorgia SatellitesOpen All NightUSAex/exinn, co7,00
LPGesundes VolksempfindenSameGermanyex/exinn9,00
LPGibbons, BillyGet Up And Dance - The Best OfNorwayex/ex 9,00
LPGibbons, Steve BandRollin' OnNorwayex/exinn7,00
LPGibbons, Steve BandSaints & SinnersUKex/vg+ 7,00
LPGibbs, TerryEl NuttoUKvg+/vg+woc14,00
LPGilder, NickSame (1985)Germanyex/exco7,00
LPGiltrap, GordonFear Of The DarkUKvg+/ex 17,00
LPGiltrap, GordonGuitaristUKex/ex 7,00
LPGipsy KingsSameHollandex/vg+ 5,00
LPGlass TigerDiamond SunUSAex/vg+inn, co6,00
LPGlitter BandListen To The BandUKex/ex 7,00
LPGodard, VicHoliday HymnBelgiumex/exM-LP12,00
LPGodoy, Carlos Mejia y Los De PalacaguinaLa TapiscaNicaraguavg+/vg+ 9,00
LPGomm, IanThe Village VoiceSwedenex/ex 12,00
LPGood Old BoysPistol Packin' MamaUSAex/vg+co14,00
LPGood, Douglas & Ginny PlentyThe World Of Good & PlentyUSAex/exco12,00
LP(Grand Funk Railroad) Farner, MarkSameUSAex/exco12,00
LPGrand HotelDo Not DisturbUKex/ex 9,00
LPGrand TunerSould OutGermanyex/ex 14,00
LPGrant, CyBallads Blues And BirdsUKvg+/vg+toc12,00
LPGrappelli, StephanePlays George GershwinFranceex/ex2-LP12,00
LPGrappelli, Stephane & coYoung DjangoHollandex/ex 12,00
LPGrateful DeadHistoric DeadUSAvg+/ex 40,00
LPGrateful DeadWhat a Long Strange Trip It's BeenCanadaex/ex2-LP20,00
LPGreat EscapeEscape From RealityGermanyex/ex2-LP14,00
LPGreat JonesAll Bowed Down!USAex/ex 14,00
LPGrech, RickThe Last Five YearsUSAex/exco9,00
LPGreen BullfrogSameUSAvg+/exfeat. Blackmore, Albert Lee, Roger Glover14,00
LPGreen, PeterPortraitPolandvg+/extoc12,00
LPGreenbaum, NormanSpirit In The SkyUSAex/exco14,00
LPGrimes, CarolWarm BloodUKvg+/vg+ 14,00
LPGrimmsRockin' DuckUSAvg+/exco, ri10,00
LPGrimmsSameUKvg+/ex 20,00
LPGroovie GooliesSameUSAvg+/exco12,00
LPGross, HenryI Keep On Rockin'UKvg+/exins, toc5,00
LPGrönemeyer, HerbertGemischte GefüleGermanyex/exinn5,00
LPGudman, Ken BandC'est La VieDenmarkex/exinn10,00
LPGuess WhoFlavoursUSAvg+/exinn, woc, co7,00
LPGuess WhoPower In The MusicUSAex/exinn, co7,00
LPGurnemanzNo Rays Of NoiseGreeceex/exinn, ri "Missing Vinyl"14,00
LPGustafsson, RuneRune At The TopSpainvg+/vg+ 9,00
LPGuthrie, ArloAlice's RestaurantUSAvg+/exwoc, ri12,00
LP(Guthrie, Woody) Jess PearsonWoodt Guthrie's "We Ain't Down Yet"USAex/vg+co7,00
LPHackett, StevePlease Don't TouchUSAex/exinn,co12,00
LPHall, DarylSacred SongsUSAex/exco12,00
LPHalpin, KieranLive And KickingUKvg+/exwoc9,00
LPHamiltonesSameUSAex/ex 7,00
LPHammond, AlbertWhen I Need YouHollandex/ex 7,00
LPHappy Hate Me NotsOutAustraliaex/exinn9,00
LPHappy Hate Me NotsScrapAustraliaex/exinn9,00
LPHardin & YorkFor The WorldUKex/exri "See For Miles"14,00
LPHarris, EmmylouLuxury LinerUSAex/exinn12,00
LPHarris, RichardSlidesUSAex/exco12,00
LPHarris, RolfIn Many MoodsUKvg+/ex 7,00
LPHarrison, NoelSanta Monica PierUSAvg/exco, toc7,00
LPHart, TimSameHollandex/vg+ 14,00
LPHatcher, George BandDry RunUKex/exwol14,00
LPHavilland, Peter DeBois De BoulogneUKvg/exco, toc7,00
LPHawkwindFuture Reconstructions - Ritual Of The Solstice UKm/mposter sleeve, 2-LP, unplayed copy50,00
LP(Hawkwind) Inner City UnitNew AnatomyUKex/exinn14,00
LPHaworth, BrynSunny Side Of The StreetUKvg+/exinn, ri12,00
LPHazzard, TonyLoudwater HouseUKvg+/vg+inn, toc14,00
LPHazzard, TonyWas That Alright Then?UKex/exinn17,00
LPHello PeopleThe Handsome DevilsUSAvg+/exco7,00
LPHendrix, JimiAxis: Bold As LoveUSAm/msealed, ri 1997, numbered, MCA-1160150,00
LPHendrix, JimiCrash LandingUKex/vg+ 14,00
LPHendrix, JimiEarly Jimi HendrixGermanyex/ex 20,00
LPHendrix, JimiJimi Hendrix SuperstarItalyvg+/exbooklet12,00
LPHerman's HermitsBlazeUSAex/exco7,00
LPHerman's HermitsHerman's Hermits AgainGermanyex/vg+ 20,00
LPHerman's HermitsHold On!USAex/exco7,00
LPHerman's HermitsThe Most Of Volume 2UKex/ex 7,00
LPHeron, MikeSmiling Men With Bad ReputationsUKvg+/exwoc12,00
LPHewitt, GarthThe Lion And The LambUKex/ex 30,00
LPHi-FiMoods For MallardsUSAex/vg+inn9,00
LPHiatt, JohnAll Of a SuddenUKvg+/ex 9,00
LPHiggins, BertiePirates And PoetsJapanex/exins, obi12,00
LPHighstreetShe Won't Be Waitin'Canadaex/exco9,00
LPHighwaymenHootenanny WithUSAex/vg+ 15,00
LPHill, DanFrozen In The NightHollandex/exinn7,00
LPHimmelmanSynesthesiaUSAvg+/ex 7,00
LPHine, RupertThe Wildest Wish To FlyHollandvg+/exwol9,00
LPHinojosa, TishHomelandHollandex/ex 9,00
LPHodgson, RogerHai HaiGermanyex/exinn7,00
LPHold, RandomEtceteravilleUSAex/exco7,00
LPHolliesConfessions Of The MindUKvg+/vg+toc12,00
LPHolliesFive Three One-Double Seven 0 FourSwedenex/exinn12,00
LPHolliesHollies Sing DylanUKex/vg+ 20,00
LPHolliesSame (SREG 2024)UKex/ex 14,00
LPHolmes, JakeSameUKvg+/vg+ 35,00
LPHomo HominiSamePolandex/ex 14,00
LPHoney DrippersVolume OneUSAm/mstill sealed, M-LP, co14,00
LPHootersNervous NightUSAex/exinn7,00
LPHootersZig ZagHollandex/exinn7,00
LPHorizontAndra VyerSwedenex/exinn, wol17,00
LPHorslipsDancehall SweetheartsUSAvg/extoc, ringwear12,00
LPHot TunaSameUKvg+/vg+toc17,00
LPHoundsPuttin' On The DogUSAex/ex 9,00
LPHouston, WhitneyWhitneySpainex/vg+inn7,00
LPHubbard, Ray Wylie & The Cowboy TwinkiesSameUSAvg+/exco, woc7,00
LPHudsonDamn Those KIdsUSAvg+/ex 14,00
LPHudson FordFree SpiritUKex/ex 17,00
LPHugh, GraysonBlind To ReasonGermanyex/exinn5,00
LPHummingbirdDiamond nightsUSAex/exco9,00
LPHunter, IanOvernight AngelsHollandex/ex 12,00
LPHunters & CollectorsFateUKex/ex 7,00
LPHunters & CollectorsSameFinlandvg+/exinn, toc, wol7,00
LPHuxley, ParthenonSunny NightsHollandex/exinn7,00
LPHyder's, Ken TaliskerLand Of StoneGermanyex/ex 17,00
LPI Don't CareAsk AnyoneUSAex/ex 9,00
LPI Nuovi AngeliUakadi-UakaduGermanyex/ex 12,00
LPIdes Of MarchVehicleUSAvg+/exco17,00
LPIllegal State Of MindLive! - Can't Edit a Ghost TrackGermanyvg+/exred vinyl, M-LP12,00
LPImperietSyndSwedenvg+/vg+inn, toc9,00
LPIncredible String BandNo Ruinous FeudUKex/ex 9,00
LPIncredible String BandSeasons They ChangeUKvg+/vg+2-LP25,00
LPInfinityCollected Works 1969-70UKex/ex 20,00
LPIntenceTradeGermanyex/ex 14,00
LPIris, DonnieFortune 410USAex/ex 7,00
LPIron ButterflyLiveUSAex/ex 14,00
LPIronhorseEverything Is GreyUSAvg+/exwoc, co9,00
LPJack The LadIt's Jack The LadUKvg+/ex 20,00
LPJack The LadJackpotUKex/vg+ 17,00
LPJacks, TerrySeasons In The SunUSAex/exco7,00
LPJackson, JoeLive 1980/86Hollandex/exinn, 2-LP12,00
LPJagger, ChrisSameUSAex/exinn, co9,00
LPJah MallaSameGermanyvg+/extoc, co12,00
LPJames Anderson BrothersClub Del RockSpainvg+/vg+toc7,00
LPJames GangPassin' ThruUSAvg+/exco17,00
LPJames, ElmoreResurrection Of Elmore JamesUSAex/vg+ 12,00
LPJames, John/Berryman P.Sky In My PieUKex/ex 20,00
LPJameson, StephenSameUKex/vg 10,00
LPJansch, BertHeartbreakUKex/ex 14,00
LPJara, VictorCanciones Postumas - Chile Septiembre 1973Spainex/exri9,00
LPJarre, Jean MichelRendezvousGermanyvg+/exwoc9,00
LPJennings, WaylonBurning MemoriesUKex/ex"Showcase"7,00
LPJerusalemVi Kan Inte StoppasSwedenex/vg+inn7,00
LPJigsawBroken HeartedUKvg/extoc, woc12,00
LPJigsawPieces Of MagicUKex/exinn7,00
LPJigsawSky HighGermanyex/ex 8,00
LPJo Jo GunneBite Down HardHollandvg+/ex 12,00
LPJo Jo GunneSo...Where's The Show?USAex/exco12,00
LPJocko, J.That's The SongUSAex/exco9,00
LPJoel, BillyThe BridgeHollandvg+/exinn, toc5,00
LPJohn, EltonDon't Shoot Me, I'm Only The Piano PlayerUKex/exbooklet, translucent14,00
LPJohnny And The HurricanesYesterday's Pop Scene - Red River RockGermanyex/ex 12,00
LPJohns, Evan And The H-BombsSameUKvg+/extoc, woc9,00
LPJohnston, AdrienneOf The JohnsronsUKex/vg+ 7,00
LPJones, TomGreen, Green Grass Of HomeHollandex/exri7,00
LPJones, TomThe World Of...UKex/ex 7,00
LPJones, TommyTommy's PlaceUSAvg+/exquadraphonic12,00
LPJoshuaWillie And The Hand JiveUSAex/ex 9,00
LPJukon SpeakersWe're Curious YellowSwedenvg+/exins, yellow vinyl, woc20,00
LPKaleidoscopeWhen Scopes CollideUSAvg+/vg+inn17,00
LP(Kansas) StreetsCrimes In MindGermanyvg+/exSteve Walsh7,00
LPKaratDer Blaue PlanetEast-Germanyvg+/ex 7,00
LPKeatsSameHollandex/ex 9,00
LPKebnekaiseSameSwedenvg+/ex 40,00
LPKelly, Dave/Hall, BobSurvivorsItalyex/ex 14,00
LPKelly, Jo AnnSameUKex/exinn, "Open records"14,00
LPKelly, JonathanTwice Around The HouseUKvg+/exsoc7,00
LPKelly, JonathanTwo Days In WinterUKex/ex 12,00
LPKelly, JonathanWait Till They Change The BackdropUKex/ex 12,00
LPKerr, RichardFrom Now Until ThenUKex/vg+ins25,00
LPKGBC'est La VieDenmarkex/exinn10,00
LPKid DynamiteSameUSAvg+/exco14,00
LPKid GlovesSameUSAex/ex 10,00
LPKids In The KitchenSameGermanyvg+/extoc7,00
LPKing HarvestDancing In The MoonlightUKvg+/vg+ 14,00
LPKing Of KingsSameGermanyex/exinn9,00
LPKing's RoadThe Long And Winding RoadUSAex/ex 7,00
LPKing, Andrew & Brown SierraThe KrakenUSAex/exins, M-LP7,00
LPKingsAmazon BeachUSAex/exinn, promo9,00
LPKingsnakesRoundtrip TicketFranceex/vg+ 12,00
LPKinksAre The Village Green Preservation SocietyUKm/mri, numbered, 7" single, still sealed40,00
LPKinksGolden Hour Of The Kinks Vol. 2UKex/ex 9,00
LPKinksLive - The RoadHollandex/ex 12,00
LPKinksOne For The RoadCanadaex/ex2-LP14,00
LPKinksState Of ConfusionGermayex/vg+inn9,00
LPKinksThink VisualHollandvg+/vg+inn9,00
LPKitaroTowards The WestGermanyex/ex 9,00
LPKnavesLeave Me Alone!USAex/ex10", yellow vinyl, ri "Sundazed"12,00
LPKocab, MichaelPovicali Ze Mu HraliCzechvg+/extoc, tol7,00
LPKongasAnikana-OFranceex/ex 17,00
LPKooper, AlA Possible Projection Of The Future/Childhood's EnUKex/ex 17,00
LPKooper, AlAct Like Nothing's WrongUSAex/exinn7,00
LPKottke, LeoBalanceGermanyvg+/extoc7,00
LPKottke, Leo/Peter Lang/John FaheySameUSAex/exri12,00
LPKrekel, TimCrazy MeUSAex/exinn, co7,00
LPKûhn, Joachim BandSunshowerGermanyex/expromo insert9,00
LPKursaal FlyersGolden MileHollandvg+/exinn, toc9,00
LPKyleTimes That Try a Man's SoulUSAex/exins, co10,00
LPL.A. JetsSameUSAvg+/ex 12,00
LPLa Sect RougeFrankAustraliaex/ex 14,00
LPLacrimosaTestimoniumItalyex/exinn, 2-LP75,00
LPLake, GregSameJapanex/exins, obi, WWS-8144525,00
LPLambLamb IIUKvg+/extoc7,00
LPLambLamb IIIUSAvg+/vg+inn, "Sparrow"7,00
LPLast JamesGrapeNorwayex/vg+inn20,00
LPLawBreakin' ItUSAvg/exco, Roy Kenner on vocals9,00
LPLavender Hill MobSameUSAex/exco7,00
LPLawrie, BillyShip ImaginationUKvg+/ex 35,00
LPLee, DinoThe King Of White TrashFranceex/exinn9,00
LPLee, LeapyLittle ArrowsUSAex/vg+co9,00
LPLeFevre, MylonWeak At The KneesUSAex/exinn, co9,00
LPLeMans, TonySameGermanyex/exinn7,00
LPLenny And The SquigtonesLenny & Squiggy PresentUSAex/exinn, poster, co25,00
LPLes VariationsCafe De ParisUSAex/exins7,00
LPLettermenThe Best OfUSAvg/exwoc10,00
LPLevente, SzörenyiUtazasHungaryex/ex 20,00
LPLewis, Gary & The PlayboysNew DirectionsUSAex/vg+ 17,00
LPLeyden ZarSameHollandex/ex 9,00
LPLife By NightSameGermanyex/exinn7,00
LPLindisfarneDingly DellGermanyex/vg+ins14,00
LPLindisfarneThe NewsSwedenex/exinn12,00
LPLindley, DavidWin This RecordSwedenvg+/exsoc9,00
LPLinhd, Björn J:sonBike Voyage IISwedenex/exinn14,00
LPLinkTemptationUSAvg+/exM-LP, promo7,00
LPLittle AmericaFairgroundsGermanyvg/exinn, woc, toc5,00
LPLittle AmericaSameGermanyvg+/exinn5,00
LPLittle GerhardBit För BitSwedenex/ex 12,00
LPLittle GerhardLive At StinsenSwedenex/ex 14,00
LPLittle JohnSameUSAex/exco7,00
LPLittle Mike And The Sweet Soul MusicGet On Up!Swedenex/ex 7,00
LPLittle River BandCuts Like a DiamondUKex/ex 12,00
LPLiverpool SceneHeirloonUKvg+/extoc25,00
LPLloyd Webber, AndrewVariationsUKex/vg+inn, Gary moore, Don Airey, Rod Argent etc.9,00
LPLloyd, IanSameGermanyvg+/exfeat. David Byron (Uriah Heep)12,00
LPLocomotiv GTLoksiHungaryex/exins, 2-LP17,00
LPLofgren, NilsCrooked LineEECvg/extoc, Feat. Neil Young17,00
LPLofgren, NilsI Came To DanceUKvg+/ex 9,00
LPLomax, JackieDid You Ever Have That Feeling?USAvg+/exinn12,00
LPLomax, JackieIs This What You Want?USAvg+/ex 17,00
LPLomax, JackieThreeUKex/vg+ 10,00
LPLone JusticeShelterUSAex/exinn, co7,00
LPLordsSameUKvg+/vg+woc, MFP 514214,00
LPLos ValendasOne, Two...Tree!Spainex/exins10,00
LPLovin' SpoonfulThe File SeriesUKvg+/exinn, 2-LP12,00
LPLovin' SpoonfulYou're a Big Boy NowUSAex/exco17,00
LPLundell, UlfDet Goda LivetSwedenex/exinn7,00
LPLynn, LorettaThe Loretta Lynn StoryUKvg/ex 5,00
LPLynxWe Are The PeopleUSAvg+/vg+ 10,00
LPMad Turks From IstanbulCafe IstanbulAustraliaex/exinn40,00
LPMaelen, JimmyBeats Workin'Hollandex/ex 5,00
LPMagic CarpetsGuided Naffi MissileUKex/ex 9,00
LPMagic MuscleOne Hundred Miles BelowUSAex/ex 20,00
LPMagic Mushroom BandSpaced OutUKex/ex 20,00
LPMagna CartaMidnight BlueNorwayvg+/exinn, toc, soc9,00
LPMagna CartaPrisoners On The LineSwedenvg+/extoc12,00
LPMahal, TajLive & DirectUSAex/exco12,00
LPManfred MannCalifornia CoastlineSwitzerlandex/ex"Platinum"9,00
LPManfred Mann's Earth BandThe Roaring SilenceIsraelvg+/ex 12,00
LPMarcusFrom The House Of Trax ex/vg+ri "Fantazia"20,00
LPMardones, BennyThank God For GirlsUSAvg+/exinn, w/ Mick Ronson8,00
LPMarillionReal To ReelHollandex/exinn12,00
LPMarillionThe Best Of Both Worlds 1989-PresentUKex/ex2-LP, picture disc, toc70,00
LPMark-Almond IISameUSAex/exinn, co12,00
LPMartin CircusActe IIFrancevg+/vg+2-LP17,00
LPMarvos, VeitFightGermanyex/exins, co9,00
LPMason ProffitSameUSAvg+/ex 9,00
LPMason, DaveMariposa De OroHollandvg/exinn, toc7,00
LPMason, DaveSome Assembly RequiredUSAex/exco9,00
LPMason, DaveSplit CoconutUSAex/ex 9,00
LPMason, DaveThe Best OfUSAex/ex 9,00
LPMatthews, IanIf You Saw Thro' My EyesUSAvg+/exco12,00
LPMatthews, IanSiamese FriendsCanadaex/exinn9,00
LPMatthews, IanStealin' HomeJapanex/exins, obi, VIP-662720,00
LPMax Demian BandTake It To The MaxUSAvg+/exinn, co9,00
LPMay, RaymondUnadulterated AddictionGermanyex/exinn9,00
LPMayall, JohnJohn Mayall (Superstar)Italyex/exbooklet9,00
LPMayall, JohnLots Of PeopleUSAvg+/ex 12,00
LPMayall, JohnThe World Of John Mayall Vol. 2UKex/ex 17,00
LP(Mayall, John) Clapton, EricSteppin' OutUKex/ex 9,00
LPMcCoysHang On SloopyItalyex/vg+ri "Get Back"12,00
LPMcDonald, MichaelNo Lookin' BackGermanyvg+/exinn, toc9,00
LPMcGee, ParkerSameUSAex/exinn, co7,00
LPMcGera, MikeMcGearUSAvg+/ex 9,00
LPMcGuire, BarryThe "Eve Of Destruction" ManUKvg+/vgEmber20,00
LPMcKenna, MaeEverything That Touches MeUKvg+/extoc14,00
LPMcLean, DonSoloUSAex/ex2-LP12,00
LPMeat LoafBlind Before I StopRussiavg+/ex 7,00
LPMeat LoafFeaturing Stoney & MeatloafUSAex/expromo12,00
LPMedicine HeadThru' a FiveUKex/ex 20,00
LPMejia Godoy, Luis E. Con MancotalUn Son Para Mi PuebloNicaraguavg/extoc14,00
LPMel & KimSomething SpecialDenmarkex/expicture disc, poster25,00
LPMelanieMelanie StoryGermanyex/ex 10,00
LPMellencamp, John CougarBig DaddyHollandex/ex 9,00
LPMellencamp, John CougarChestnut Street IncidentUKvg+/exri9,00
LPMellencamp, John CougarThe Kid InsideUKex/exri "Castle"9,00
LPMerlinSameUKex/ex 12,00
LPMerrill, AlanSameUSAvg+/exco9,00
LPMessengerThrenodiesEUex/exbooklet, CD17,00
LPMeyers, AugieAugie's BackSwedenex/ex 7,00
LPMeyers, AugieStill Growin'UKvg/extoc, soc7,00
LPMidnight OilBlue Sky MiningHollandex/exinn, woc9,00
LPMike GunnA Dream About YouGermanyex/g+M-LP; 10"12,00
LPMilanes, PabloSameCubaex/ex 14,00
LPMiles, JohnStranger In The CityUKex/ex 10,00
LPMiles, JohnZaragonUSAex/exinn, co9,00
LPMiller, FrankieDouble TroubleHollandvg+/exwoc, toc12,00
LPMiller, FrankieFalling In LoveSwedenvg+/exwoc, toc12,00
LPMiller, FrankieFrankie Who? Frankie Fucking Miller That's WhoSwedenvg+/ex 9,00
LPMiller, Roger1970USAvg+/vg+soc, co7,00
LPMiller, Steve BandAbracadabraYugoslaviavg+/ex 9,00
LPMiller, Steve BandLiving In The 20th CenturyHollandex/vg+inn7,00
LPMiller, Steve BandRock LoveUKex/ex 14,00
LPMiller, Steve/Band/QuicksilverSailor/Music From Big Pink/QMSUSAvg+/vg+3-LP box20,00
LPMinnelli, LizaLiza With a "Z"UKvg+/vg+soc7,00
LPMiracle Workers1.000 Micrograms Of...Germanyvg+/exM-LP20,00
LPMitchell, JoniDon Juan's Reckless DaughterUSAex/exinn, 2-LP, co14,00
LPMitchell/Coe MysteriesExiledUKex/vg+ 7,00
LPMood SixA Matter OfCanadaex/ex 10,00
LPMood SixPlastic Flowers/It's Your LifeUKex/ex 15,00
LPMood SixThe Difference Is...UKex/exins12,00
LPMoody BluesCaught Live + 5Canadaex/ex2-LP12,00
LPMoody BluesOctaveUKvg+/exinn9,00
LPMoody BluesOut Of This WorldUKvg+/vg+ 7,00
LPMoody BluesSeventh SojournUKvg+/exins, toc12,00
LPMoody BluesThe PresentSwedenex/ex 9,00
LPMoody BluesTo Our Childrens Childrens ChildrenGermanyex/exri12,00
LPMoonface with SiinaiHeartbreaking BraveryUSAex/vg+inn12,00
LPMoonflowersHash SmithsUKex/ex 12,00
LPMoore, TimBehind The EyesUSAex/exins, co9,00
LPMoore, TimSameUKex/ex 12,00
LPMooseheart Faith Stellar Groove BandCosmic DialoguesGermanyex/exwhite vinyl14,00
LPMooseheart Faith Stellar Groove BandThe Magic Square Of The Sun...Germanyex/ex2-LP17,00
LPMoraz - BrufordMusic For Piano And DrumsUKvg+/exsoc12,00
LPMoraz, PatrickThe Story Of iUKvg+/exinn, co12,00
LPMorgan, KrisFor a Woman In LoveItalyex/exco7,00
LPMotherlodeWhen I DieUSAex/vg+co14,00
LPMotorsApproved By The MotorsUKex/exred vinyl9,00
LPMott The HoopleGreatest HitsUKex/vg+ 12,00
LPMountainThe Best OfUKvg+/vg 12,00
LPMoveFire BrigadeHollandex/exMFP7,00
LPMoveThe CollectionGermanyex/ex2-LP12,00
LPMoveThe Greatest Hits Vol. 1UKex/exPickwick7,00
LPMoving PicturesDays Of InnocenceJapanex/exins, obi, 25AP-247912,00
LPMoyet, AlisonRaindancingCanadaex/exinn7,00
LPMr SmithMeet Mr SmithUKex/vg+ 7,00
LPMr Willey's AngelMill Street MotelGermanyvg/exwoc, wol, red vinyl14,00
LPMr. BigPhotographic SmileUSAex/exinn, co7,00
LPMudIt's Better Than WorkingFinlandvg+/ex 9,00
LPMudMud RockUKex/vg+ 7,00
LPMudMud Rock Vol. 2UKvg+/vg+woc7,00
LPMudUse Your ImaginationNorwayex/vg+ins7,00
LPMudUse Your ImaginationNorwayvg+/exins, toc9,00
LPMurray, AnneSnowbirdSwedenex/vg+ 10,00
LPMusic ExplosionLittle Bit O'soulUSAex/exco25,00
LPMyles And LennyIt Isn't The SameCanadaex/exposter7,00
LPNash The SlashAmerican Band-AgesSwedenvg+/vg+toc10,00
LPNatural GasSameGermanyex/ex 14,00
LPNelson, Bill Red NoiseSound-On-SoundUKex/exinn9,00
LPNelson, RickGarden PartyUSAex/ex 9,00
LPNelson, WillieThe TroublemakerHollandvg+/vg+toc7,00
LPNesmith, MichaelFrom a Radio Engine To The Photon WingUSAvg+/exinn9,00
LPNesmith, MichaelInfinite Rider On The Big DogmaUSAex/exinn9,00
LPNesmith, MichaelThe Best OfUKex/ex 9,00
LPNeutronsTales From The Blue CocoonsUKex/ex 14,00
LPNew AdventuresRadiatorCanadam/mstill sealed, co9,00
LPNew Kids On The BlockStep By StepUKex/exinn7,00
LPNew LinesFall In LineUSAex/exdownload coupon12,00
LPNew SeekersBeautiful PeopleUSAex/exco7,00
LPNew StrangersCountry GrassSwedenex/vg+ 12,00
LPNew Vaudeville BandWinchester CathedralUSAvg+/exco14,00
LPNew Vaudeville BandWinchester CathedralUKex/vg+ri SFL 1300120,00
LPNewman, RandyLittle CriminalsUSAex/exco9,00
LPNewton, WayneCan't You Hear The Song?USAex/exco7,00
LPNewton, WayneWhile We're Still YoungUSAex/exco7,00
LPNewton-John, OliviaClearly LoveUKvg+/ex 7,00
LPNewton-John, OliviaSoul KissCanadaex/ex 5,00
LPNewton-John, OliviaTotally HotUSAex/exinn, co5,00
LPNiceElegyUKvg+/vg+ri, toc7,00
LPNiceFive BridgesUKvg+/extoc20,00
LPNiceGreatest HitsHollandex/vg+HO257,00
LPNiceKeith Emerson Withh The NiceUSAex/ex2-LP, ri12,00
LPNilssonEarly YearsUKex/ex 14,00
LPNilssonRock 'n' RollUSAex/exRi "Pickwick", co7,00
LPNine Below ZeroLive At The MarqueeHollandex/ex 9,00
LPNishinihonSameUKex/vg+2-LP, green and black vinyl20,00
LPNitty Gritty Dirt BandThe Rest Of The DreamUSAex/ex 7,00
LP(Nitty Gritty Dirt Band) Dirt BandAmerican DreamJapanex/exins, obi, GP 78117,00
LP(Nitty Gritty Dirt Band) Dirt BandMake a Little MagicUSAex/exins9,00
LPNix, DonGone Too LongUSAvg+/exco7,00
LPNot The 9 O'Clock NewsSameUKex/ex 7,00
LPNothin' SiriusMonkey BusinessUSAex/ex 14,00
LPNotoriousSameGermanyvg/exinn, toc7,00
LPNuovi AngeliUakadi-UakaduGermanyvg+/ex 12,00
LPNutshellIn Your EyesUKex/vg+ 15,00
LPNylonsOne Size Fits AllHollandvg+/ex 7,00
LPO'BandWithin ReachUKvg+/vg+ 12,00
LPOcasek, RicFireball ZoneGermanyex/ex 12,00
LPOccidental Blue Harmony LoversKampf Die KraftAustriaex/expromo inserts12,00
LPOldfield, MikeCrisesFinlandvg+/vg+ 9,00
LPOldfield, MikeDiscoveryGermanyvg+/exinn, toc9,00
LPOldfield, MikeHergest RidgeUSAex/ex 12,00
LPOldfield, MikeImpressionsUKvg+/ex2-LP, toc14,00
LPOldfield, MikeThe Orchestral Tubular BellsUKvg+/exsoc9,00
LPOldfield, SallyEasyUKex/exins7,00
LPOldfield, SallyStrange Day In BerlinUKex/exinn7,00
LPOldfield, SallyThe CollectionUKex/ex2-LP7,00
LPOmegaXIHungaryvg+/ex 17,00
LPOpusUp And DownGermanyex/exinn7,00
LPOrbison, RoyOnly The LonelyGermanyvg+/extoc, "Companion"7,00
LPOriginal CasteOne Tin SoldierUSAvg+/vg+inn, co12,00
LPOrleansBefore The DanceUSAex/ex2-LP14,00
LPOsmondsGreatest HitsGermanyex/ex 7,00
LPOutoff Body Experience/Sigillum SGhost ParadiseUKvg+/exinn, M-LP7,00
LPOzark Mountain DaredevilsDon't Look DownUSAex/exinn, co10,00
LPOzric TentaclesCurious CornUKm/exins50,00
LPPage, TommyPaintings In My MindGermanyex/ex 7,00
LPPaper LaceAnd Other Bits Of MaterialHollandex/ex 5,00
LPParchmentHollywood SunsetUKex/vg+ 15,00
LPParker, GrahamHeat TreatmentSwedenvg+/exwoc, soc7,00
LPParker, GrahamThe Up EscalatorHollandvg+/extoc7,00
LPParra, IsabelEl EncuentroItalyvg+/ex 7,00
LPParrish, BrianLove On My MindUKex/exins25,00
LPParsons, Alan ProjectStereotomyGermanyvg+/extoc9,00
LPPassageEnflameFranceex/ex 7,00
LPPaul, Les & Mary FordSameRussiaex/ex 7,00
LP(Pearls Before Swine) Rapp, TomSameUSAvg+/ex 20,00
LPPegg, BobAncient MapsUKex/ex 20,00
LPPet Shop BoysActuallyHollandex/vg+inn9,00
LPPeter And GordonThe Best OfUSAex/exri7,00
LPPeter Pan Pop Band 6 SingersSnoopy Vs. The Red BaronUSAex/vg+ 12,00
LPPeter, Paul & MaryPeter, Paul & MommyUSAvg+/ex 9,00
LPPhantomPlays The EyesUKex/ex10", ins10,00
LPPhantom Payn SéanceTelegraphic Grooves From a Dead MailboxGermanyvg+/exins, toc35,00
LPPhoenixIn Full ViewGermanyex/ex 10,00
LPPickett, WilsonGreat Wilson Pickett HitsJapanex/exins, ri17,00
LPPicnic At The WhitehouseThe Doors Are OpenHollandex/exinn7,00
LPPicture FramedAll Ways WrongAustriaex/expromo info sheets9,00
LPPicturesSameUKvg+/ex 20,00
LPPilgrim SoulsIs This All Of Us?UKex/exinn7,00
LPPinera, MikeIslaUSAvg+/exco9,00
LPPink FairiesChinese Cowboys - Live 1987UKex/exred vinyl, 2-LP17,00
LPPink FloydEchoes - The Best Of Pink Floyd boxEUex/ex4-LP box180,00
LPPink FloydMoreUKvg+/exwoc60,00
LPPink FloydTonite Let's All Make Love In London...PlusUKex/mM-LP, unplayed copy30,00
LP(Pink Floyd) Mason + FennProfilesGermanyvg+/vg+inn, toc17,00
LP(Pink Floyd) ZeeIdentityHollandvg+/vg+inn, feat. Richard Wright20,00
LPPitney, GeneSuper StarUSAex/ex 7,00
LPPitre, Austin & Evengeline PlayboysBack To The BayouUKvg+/extoc7,00
LPPlainsongIn Search Of Amelia EarheartUSAex/exins, co17,00
LPPlasmaQCDSwedenvg+/exins, promo insert20,00
LPPlasticlandSalonHollandex/ex 9,00
LPPocoGhost TownGermanyex/exinn9,00
LPPocoHead Over HeelsUSAex/exinn9,00
LPPocoIndian SummerNorwayvg+/vg+ 9,00
LPPoi Dog PonderingSameHollandex/exinn9,00
LP(Police) StingNada Como El SolGermanyvg+/extoc, 10"10,00
LP(Police) Summers, AndyXYZGermanym/mstill sealed12,00
LPPolnareff, MichelLe Disque D'or des Disques D'orFranceex/ex 9,00
LPPolnareff, MichelVolume 2Francevg+/ex 14,00
LPPopHearts And KnivesUSAex/exM-LP12,00
LPPower, DuffyPower HouseUKvg+/ex 20,00
LPPreludeAfter The Gold RushUSAex/ex 7,00
LPPresley, ElvisGuitar ManFinlandex/ex 12,00
LPPrice, AlanMetropolitan ManUKex/ex 9,00
LPPrimeval UnknownSameCanadaex/ex 9,00
LPPrimordial UndermindYet More Wonders Of The Invisible WorldGermanyex/exins12,00
LPPrior, MaddyGoing For GloryUKex/ex 10,00
LPPrismaticDon't Invite Me To The DepressionUSAvg+/exinn9,00
LPProby, P.J.SomewhereSwedenex/exSunset (1977)12,00
LPProby, P.J.SomewhereUSAvg/vgtoc12,00
LPProcol HarumExotic Birds And FruitUKex/vg+ 17,00
LPProcol HarumProcol's NinthSwedenex/ex 14,00
LPProcol HarumThe Best OfGermanyex/ex 12,00
LPProgressBusy Making ProgressUKex/ex 5,00
LPPseudo EchoLove an AdventureGermanyex/exinn7,00
LPPulte, JimOut The WindowUSAvg+/exinn, co10,00
LPPumpsGotta MoveCanadavg+/exinn9,00
LPPuzzleSameUSAvg+/exinn, co, toc14,00
LPQ-TipsSameUKex/ex 9,00
LPQueen IdaOn TourUKex/ex 9,00
LPQuicksilverPeace By PieceUSAex/exinn, co12,00
LPQuicksilver Messenger ServiceShady GroveUSAex/exri12,00
LPQuilapayunSanta Maria De Iquique - Cantate PopulaireFrancevg+/exwoc9,00
LPQuintessenceIndwellerUKvg+/ex 17,00
LPRabin, TrevorCan't Look AwayGermanyex/exinn9,00
LPRabin, TrevorFace To FaceGermanyvg+/vg+toc12,00
LP(Rabin, Trevor) RabbittBoys Will Be BoysUSAvg+/vg+ 9,00
LPRacing CarsWeekend RendezvousHollandvg+/exinn7,00
LPRadiatorIsn't It StrangeUKvg+/ex 12,00
LPRafferty, GerryNight OwlSwedenex/exinn9,00
LPRaitt, BonnieThe GlowUSAex/ex 9,00
LPRank StrangersSameUSAm/mstill sealed7,00
LPRascalsFreedom SuiteUSAvg/vg+2-LP, inn, 3xins, taped sleeve7,00
LPRatcatTinglesAustraliavg+/exinn, toc, M-LP10,00
LPRatchellSameUKvg/vg+ 20,00
LPRawjawRetrospectiveGermanyex/ex 14,00
LPRayda, RoddyLost Lonely And ViciousAustraliaex/exinn12,00
LPRea, DavidMaverick ChildUSAvg+/ex 14,00
LPRed GuitarsTales Of The ExpectedGermanyex/exinn, promo sticker on cover7,00
LPRedbone, LeonFrom Branch To BranchGermanyvg+/ex 9,00
LPRedding, Noel BandClonakilty CowboysUSAex/exinn12,00
LPRedhouseOne More SqueezeGermanyex/ex 20,00
LPRedwingWhat This Country Needs...USAvg+/ex 12,00
LPReilly, MaggieEchoesGermanyex/exinn12,00
LPRenbourn, JohnA Maid In BedlamUKex/ex 14,00
LPReverend WillinghamWhere He LeadsUSAvg+/ex 9,00
LPRhinocerosSatin ChickensUSAvg+/exco17,00
LPRich Mountain TowerCan't You Feel It?USAex/exco12,00
LPRichard, CliffAll My LoveHollandex/exMFP7,00
LPRichard, CliffCliff's Hit AlbumUKex/ex 20,00
LPRichard, CliffDressed For The OccasionSpainvg+/extoc7,00
LPRichard, CliffKinda LatinGermanyvg/exhole on sleeve17,00
LPRichard, CliffLive At Talk Of The TownUKex/exRegal Starline12,00
LPRichard, CliffMe And My ShadowsUKex/ex 20,00
LPRichard, CliffNow You See Me...Now You Don'tSpainvg+/exinn7,00
LPRichard, CliffRock On WithUKex/exMFP 504677,00
LPRichard, CliffThe Best Of CliffUKex/ex 14,00
LPRichard, CliffTracks 'n GroovesUKex/vg+ 20,00
LPRifle SportLive At The Entry - Dead At The ExitGermanyex/exins7,00
LPRighteous BrothersGreatest Hits Vol. 2UKex/ex"Verve"15,00
LPRighteous BrothersThe Best OfGermanyvg+/vg+ 9,00
LPRisken FinnsSameSwedenvg+/exins17,00
LPRivers, JohnnyLive At The Whisky A Go GoUKvg+/exsoc, ri "Sunset records"12,00
LPRivers, JohnnyWild NightUSAex/exco9,00
LPRobbins, MartyGood'n CountryUSAex/exco5,00
LPRobertinoSameUKex/vg+Marble Arch7,00
LPRoberts, AndyWith EveryoneUSAex/vg+ 20,00
LPRobin, CockAfter Here Through MidlandHollandex/exinn7,00
LPRobinson CruiserCatch a ThrillHollandex/exinn9,00
LPRock HotelSameRussiaex/ex 7,00
LPRocken HorseRocken RollUSAex/ex 14,00
LPRocket 88SameItalyvg+/extoc, co14,00
LPRockin' Jimmy & The Brothers Of The NightBy The Light Of The MoonUKex/vg+ 9,00
LPRogefeldt, PughBamalamaSwedenex/vg+inn12,00
LPRogers, KennyI Prefer The MoonlightJapanex/exins, obi10,00
LPRogers, KennyRuby, Don't Take Your Love To TownUKex/vg+ 17,00
LPRoot Boy SlimDon't LetThis Happen To YouUSAex/ex 9,00
LPRosetta StoneSameUSAvg/mtoc, still sealed7,00
LPRoth, ArlenGuitaristUSAvg+/vg+toc12,00
LPRoth, ArlenHot PickupsUKex/ex 9,00
LPRothfield, Jane & Allan CarrThere & BackUKvg+/ex 7,00
LPRouenYoung For a DayUKex/ex 7,00
LP(Roxette) Fredriksson, MarieEfter StormenSwedenex/ex 12,00
LP(Roxette) Gessle, PerSameSwedenex/exinn12,00
LP(Roxy Music) Mackay, AndyIn Search Of Eddie RiffUKex/exwol14,00
LP(Roxy Music) Mackay, AndyResolving ContradictionsUKex/exwol9,00
LP(Roxy Music) Manzanera, PhilK-scopeJapanex/exins, obi, promo,MPF-121620,00
LP(Roxy Music) Manzanera, PhilListen NowGermanyex/exinn9,00
LP(Roxy Music) Manzanera, PhilPrimitive GuitarsCanadaex/exwol9,00
LPRoyal Beat ConspiracyMusic To Rock The NationDenmarkex/ex10"10,00
LPRubber RodeoScenic ViewsHollandex/vg+inn7,00
LPRuefrexFlowers For All OccasionsUSAex/exco7,00
LPRuffner, MasonGypsy BloodHollandex/exinn7,00
LPRumourFrogs Sprouts Clogs And KrautsUKex/exinn7,00
LPRundgren, ToddA CappellaJapanex/exins, obi, P-1318620,00
LPRundgren, ToddTodd Rundgren's UtopiaUSAvg/vg+ 7,00
LP(Rundgren, Todd) UtopiaOblivionUSAex/exco9,00
LP(Rundgren, Todd) UtopiaPovUKex/ex 9,00
LPRundgren, Todd UtopiaAnother LiveUSAex/exins9,00
LPRunrigThe Cutter & The ClanUKex/exinn, promo inserts20,00
LPRush, TomSameUSAex/exri12,00
LPRush, TomWrong End Of The RainbowUSAex/exco12,00
LPRussell, LeonBest Of LeonCanadaex/exri9,00
LPRustic HingeReplicasUKex/ex 30,00
LPRyan, BarrySings Paul RyanUKvg+/exwol35,00
LPRydell, Bobby/Stevens/RoeThe Young LoversUSAex/vg 7,00
LPRyder, John & AnneI Still Believe In TomorrowUSAex/exco9,00
LPRyder, MitchAll Mitch Ryder HitsUSAex/vg+co20,00
LPRyder, MitchNever Kick a Sleeping DogHollandvg+/exinn, toc9,00
LPRyder, Mitch & Detroit WheelsWheels Of SteelUKvg+/extoc, 10"7,00
CDSabicas with Joe BeckRock EncounterGermanyvg+/ex 7,00
LPSagaBehaviourUSAex/exinn, co9,00
LPSagaHeads Or TalesGermanyex/exinn9,00
LPSagaIn TransitCanadavg+/exinn9,00
LPSagaWildest DreamsGermanyex/exins9,00
LPSailorSameUKvg+/vg+ 7,00
LPSailorThe Third StepUKex/vg+ 7,00
LPSanborn, DavidClose-UpGermanyex/exinn8,00
LPSanborn, DavidStraight To The HeartGermanyex/ex 9,00
LPSandpipersSoftlyGermanyex/ex 14,00
LPSandström, NilsThe PainterSwedenvg+/ex 30,00
LPSandy CoastSameHollandex/exri20,00
LPSantanaInner SecretsHollandex/vg+inn9,00
LPSantanaThe Very Best OfHollandvg+/ex2-LP, woc12,00
LPSantana, Devadip CarlosThe Swing Of DelightUKex/ex2-LP14,00
LPSassafrasRiding HighUKex/vg+ 17,00
LPSayer, LeoHereFinlandvg+/vg+inn, toc5,00
LPSayer, LeoThe Very Best OfSwedenvg+/extoc5,00
LPSayer, LeoWorld RadioJapanex/exins, obi12,00
LPScandal feat. Patty SmythWarriorHollandvg+/exinn5,00
LPSchaffer, JanneTrafficSwedenex/ex 9,00
LPSchneider With The KickExposedGermanyex/exinn7,00
LPScreaming Blue MessiahsBikini RedGermanyex/ex 7,00
LPScreen IdolsFollow Your HeartUKex/exinn7,00
LPSearchersHistoria De La Musica Pop Inglesa - Vol. 4Spainvg/extoc5,00
LPSebastian, JohnThe Four Of UsJapanex/exins, P-8158R20,00
LPSebastian, JohnWelcome BackUSAex/ex 12,00
LPSebastian, John B.SameUKvg+/vg+soc14,00
LPSeeger, PeteRoad To EilatFranceex/vg+ 7,00
LPSeeger, PeteWe Shall OvercomeUKex/ex 12,00
LPSeekersGolden CollectionUKex/ex 7,00
LPSeger, BobThe DistanceYugoslaviaex/exinn12,00
LPSensational Alex Harvey BandCollectionGermanyex/ex2-LP12,00
LPSensational Alex Harvey BandFourplayUKex/exri "Sahara"9,00
LPSensational Alex Harvey BandSAHB StoriesSwedenex/ex 17,00
LPSensational Alex Harvey BandThe LegendUKex/ex 12,00
LP(Sensational Alex Harvey Band) Harvey, AlexLiveGermanyvg+/vg+ 30,00
LPSerendipity SingersLove Is a State Of MindUSAvg+/ex 14,00
LPSessionSession IIIJapanex/expromo7,00
LPSetting SonSameDenmarkex/ex 14,00
LPSeventh WaveThings To ComeUSAex/ex 12,00
LPSexton, CharliePictures For PleasureGermanyvg+/exinn, toc6,00
LPShaa KhanAnything Wrong?Germanyex/exinn17,00
LPShabby TigerSameUKex/ex 14,00
LPShackZilchUKvg+/vg+w/1-sided 12"35,00
LPShadowlandKaleidoscopeUKex/ex 12,00
LPShadows20 Golden GreatsSwedenex/ex 7,00
LPShadowsChange Of AddressSwedenvg+/extoc5,00
LPShadowsF.B.I.Belgiumvg+/ex 7,00
LPShadowsOut Of The ShadowsGermanyvg+/exri, EMIdisc12,00
LPShadowsRock On WithUKvg+/extoc5,00
LPShadowsSame (SREG 1121)UKvg+/vg+"Regal", soc17,00
LPShadowsShadows' Greatest Hits - Story Vol. 4Hollandex/vg+ri10,00
LPShadowsSomething ElseUKex/exStarline9,00
LP(Shadows) Marvin, HankSameUKvg+/vg+woc, soc9,00
LPShaken Not StirredNervesAustriaex/ex 9,00
LPShaking FamilyDreaming In DetailGermanyvg+/exinn, toc, soc5,00
LPShakti w/ John McLaughlinA Handful Of BeautyHollandex/vg+ri9,00
LPShakti w/ John McLaughlinSameUSAvg+/ex 12,00
LPShanesRevivalSwedenex/ex 14,00
LPSharksJab It In Yore EyesUKex/ex 14,00
LPShaw, SandieHello angelUKex/exinn9,00
LPShearston, GaryDingoUSAvg+/exco7,00
LPSheridan, TonyNovusDenmarkvg+/ex 14,00
LPSherley, GlenSameUKex/ex 9,00
LPShow Of HandsFormerly AnthraxUSAvg+/exco7,00
LPSilent RunningDeepGermanyex/ex 5,00
LPSiller, BobThis Is Siller's PictureUSAvg+/exco7,00
LPSilver CondorSameJapanex/exlns, obi14,00
LPSimmons, PatrickArcadeSwedenex/exinn5,00
LPSimon and GarfunkelLos Grandes HitsMexicovg+/vg+woc14,00
LPSinatra, Frank Jr.His WayUKex/ex 10,00
LPSir Douglas QuintetThe CollectionUKex/ex2-LP12,00
LPSister RainSameNorwayvg+/ex 12,00
LPSkellern, PeterNot Without a FriendUKvg+/ex 14,00
LPSkellern, PeterSkellernUKex/ex 8,00
LPSkogman, ThorePå Begäran: Thore Skogman 1955-75Swedenex/ex 7,00
LPSky HighFreezin' HotSwedenex/ex 9,00
LPSky HighHave Guitar, Will TravelSwedenex/exinn, soc9,00
LPSkylinersSameUSAex/exinn, co7,00
LPSlammers1:st Missionary On MarsSpainex/ex 14,00
LP(Slapp Happy) Blegvad, PeterThe Naked ShakespeareFranceex/vg+inn9,00
LPSlick, Earl BandRazor SharpUSAvg+/vg+inn12,00
LPSmall FacesWham Bam!Hollandvg/vgtoc7,00
LP(Small Faces) McLagan, IanTroublemakerHollandex/ex 9,00
LPSmall WonderGrowin'USAvg+/exinn, woc, promo9,00
LPSmith, RexSooner Or LaterUSAex/ex 7,00
LPSmokieGreatest HitsSwedenex/ex 7,00
LPSneakerSameGermanyvg+/ex 9,00
LPSoft MachineAlive & Well - Recorded In ParisSwedenvg+/vg+ 17,00
LPSoft MachineJet Propelled PhotographsEUex/vg+ri "Decal"12,00
LPSomething HappensBeen There, Seen THat, Done ThatUKex/exinn9,00
LPSomething HappensI Know Ray HarmanUKex/ex 7,00
LPSound SymposiumContemporary Composers InterpretedUSAex/ex 9,00
LPSoundtrackJohnny Be GoodGermanyex/ex 7,00
LPSpear Of DestinyGrapes Of WrathUKex/exinn9,00
LPSpencer Davis GroupDimplesSwedenex/ex 25,00
LPSpike IslandSameUKex7vg+ 7,00
LPSpillane, Davy BandOut Of The AirIrelandex/ex 9,00
LPSpiritFuture GamesUKex/ex 14,00
LPSpitballsSameUSAex/ex 7,00
LPSpooky Tooth/Pierre HenryCeremonyUKvg+/vg+toc30,00
LPSpotnicksSpotnick's BestGermanyex/vg+ 12,00
LPSpringsteen, BruceTunnel Of LoveHollandex/vg+inn9,00
LPSpudSmoking On The BogUKvg+/exins17,00
LPStackridgePinafore DaysUSAex/exco12,00
LPStampedersSweet City WomanUSAvg+/exco10,00
LPStanley, James LeeMidnight RadioUSAex/exco7,00
LPStanley, MichaelSameUSAex/exinn, co12,00
LPStarbuckRock'n'Roll RocketUSAex/exinn9,00
LPStardust, AlvinSameGermanyex/vg+ 7,00
LPStardust, AlvinThe UntouchableGermanyex/vg+ 7,00
LPStealin HorsesSameUSAex/exinn7,00
LPSteeleye SpanAll Around My HatUKvg+/exins, woc14,00
LPSteeleye SpanParcel Of RoguesUKex/ex 12,00
LPStephenson, VanRighteous AngerUSAex/exco9,00
LPStephenson, VanSuspicious HeartUSAex/exco9,00
LPStewart, Al24 CarrotsUKex/vg+inn, ins7,00
LPStewart, AlLast Days Of The CenturySwedenvg+/exins, toc9,00
LPStewart, RodA Shot Of Rhythm And BluesUSAex/vg+co9,00
LPStewart, RodAtlantic CrossingSwedenex/exinn, ri9,00
LPStewart, RodCamouflageUSAvg+/exinn, toc, co7,00
LPStewart, RodFoolish BehaviourUSAex/exinn, poster9,00
LPStewart, RodSame (1986)Canadaex/vg+inn7,00
LPStewart, RodTonight I'm YoursUSAvg+/exinn, toc7,00
LPStevens, CatBack To EarthCanadaex/exinn9,00
LPStevens, CatNumbersUKex/exinn9,00
LPStevens, CatProfileGermanyex/vg+ 9,00
LPStevens, CatThe World Of...UKvg+/vg+ 12,00
LPStevens, JimmyDon't Freak Me OutUKvg+/ex 12,00
LPStevenson, B.W.My MariaUSAex/exco10,00
LPStivell, AlanUn Dewezh Barzh GerFranceex/ex 14,00
LPStonegroundPlay It LoudUSAvg+/ex 17,00
LPStoogesThe WeirdnessUSAm/m2-LP, still sealed60,00
LPStraight EightNo Noise From HereUKex/ex 15,00
LPStrandlund, RobbSameUSAvg+/exinn, co14,00
LPStrange CruiseSameUKvg+/ex 14,00
LPStrappsSecret DamageJapanex/exins, inn, obi, promo, EMS-8079125,00
LPStreaplersLady BananaNorwayex/vg+inn7,00
LPStreaplersSameSwedenex/vg+ 12,00
LPStreisand, BarbraGuiltyHollandex/exinn7,00
LPString Driven ThingKeep yer And On ItHollandex/ex 12,00
LPStumpQuirk OutUKex/exins7,00
LPStyxCaught In The ActHollandex/exinn, 2-LP12,00
LPSugarcubesHere Today, Tomorrow Next Week!UKvg+/exinn12,00
LPSummer, DonnaThe WandererUSAex/exinn7,00
LPSummer, Henry LeeI've Got EverythingHollandvg+/exinn, toc5,00
LPSupertrampFamous Last WordsUSAex/exinn, co9,00
LPSwarbrick, DaveFlittin´UKex/ex 12,00
LPSwarbrick, DaveLift The Lid And ListenUKvg+/extoc9,00
LPSwarbrick, Dave & FriendsThe Ceilidh AlbumUKex/ex 12,00
LPSweet PainSameUSAvg+/exinn, co, woc25,00
LPSweet ThursdaySameUSAvg/vg+Nicky Hopkins14,00
LPSwindells, SteveFresh BloodUSAex/exinn12,00
LPT'PauBridge Of SpiesGermanyex/exinn5,00
LPT. And The StarburstSameItalyvg+/exins9,00
LPT. RexBoogie OnItalyex/ex2-LP, clear vinyl17,00
LPT. RexFlybackUKvg/vg+ 12,00
LPT. RexMarc Bolan & T. RexRussiavg+/extoc, woc7,00
LPT. RexSameRussiaex/ex"Russian Disc"7,00
LPT. RexThe Best Of T. RexGermanyex/vg+ 14,00
LPT. RexThe Greatest Hits Vol. 1UKex/ex"Pickwick"9,00
LP(T. Rex) Bolan, MarcDance In The MidnightSwedenvg+/extoc12,00
LP(T. Rex) Bolan, MarcThe Words And Music Of 1947-77Belgiumvg+/ex2-LP, toc12,00
LPTabor, JuneFreedom And RainUKex/exinn9,00
LPTabor, JuneThe Peel SessionsCanadaex/exM-LP14,00
LPTaggettSameUSAex/exinn, co9,00
LPTai PhongSameFranceex/ex 20,00
LP(Talking Heads) Harrison, JerryCasual GodsUKex/exinn9,00
LP(Talking Heads) Harrison, JerryThe Red And The BlackSwedenvg+/exinn, toc, soc9,00
LP(Talking Heads) Harrison, JerryWalk On WaterUSAex/exinn9,00
LPTall Tales And TrueShiverHollandex/exinn8,00
LPTami ShowSameUSAvg+/exinn, co7,00
LPTantrumSameUSAex/exinn, co9,00
LPTasteOn The BoardsUKvg+/vg+soc35,00
LPTaxxiStates Of EmergencyUSAex/exinn7,00
LPTemptationsThe Temptations In a Mellow MoodUKvg+/vg+ 12,00
LPTen Wheel Drive w/ Genya RavanBrief RepliesUSAvg+/ex 14,00
LPTen Years AfterRock & Roll Music To The WorldSwedenex/vg+ 12,00
LPTen Years AfterThe Beginning Vol 14Germanyex/ex 12,00
LP(Ten Years After) Churchill, ChickYou & MeUKvg+/vg+ 20,00
LPTennessee Ernie FordEverything Is BeautifulUSAex/vg+co7,00
LPTexas PlayboysOriginal Texas PlayboysUSAex/ex 7,00
LPTextonesMidnight MissionUSAvg+/exinn, toc, co7,00
LPThat Petrol EmotionLiveUKex/ex 9,00
LPThee ImageSameUSAex/exinn, co12,00
LPThemThen Featuring Vam MorrisonHollandvg+/extoc9,00
LPThird Ear BandRaga LiveItalyex/ex2-LP, "Turning Point"20,00
LPThomas, B.J.ReunionUSAvg+/exinn, co7,00
LPThomas, Ian BandStill HereUSAex/exinn7,00
LPThompson TwinsClose To The BoneGermanyvg+/exinn, toc7,00
LPThompson, BarbaraPure FantasyGermanyvg+/exinn, toc12,00
LPThompson, RobinSameUSAex/exinn, co7,00
LPThompson, SueBig Mable MurphyUSAex/exco7,00
LPThorogood, GeorgeBetter Than The RestUSAex/ex 12,00
LPThorogood, GeorgeBoogie PeopleGermanyex/ex 14,00
LPThorogood, GeorgeBorn To Be BadUSAvg+/extoc12,00
LPThree Dog NightComing Down Your WayUSAex/exinn, co7,00
LPTiger TigerEye Of The TigerUSAex/exinn, promo14,00
LPTikaram, TanitaThe Sweet KeeperGermanyex/exinn7,00
LPTin AngelSameUSAex/expromo sticker9,00
LPTin TinAstral TaxiUKvg+/vg+toc12,00
LPTin TinSameUSAex/vg+ 12,00
LPTokensBoth Sides NowUSAex/exco12,00
LPTokensIt's a Happening WorldUSAvg+/exseam splits, co12,00
LPTotoThe Seventh OneHollandvg+/exinn, toc9,00
LPTowns, ColinFull CircleHollandex/ex 17,00
LPToyahLove Is The LawFinlandvg+/vg+inn, woc, toc9,00
LPToyahThe Blue MeaningUKex/ex 12,00
LPToyahThe ChangelingItalyex/exins9,00
LPToyahWarrior RockUKvg+/vg+ins, 2-LP12,00
LPTraksGet ReadyGermanyex/ex 9,00
LPTravers, MaryMaryUKex/exins14,00
LPTravers, PatRadio ActiveHollandex/ex 9,00
LPTraylor, Jack And SteelwindChild Of NatureUSAvg+/exinn12,00
LPTremeloesGreatest HitsUKex/ex"Pickwick"7,00
LPTremeloesHere Come The TremeloesUKvg+/g+woc10,00
LPTremeloesReach Out For The TremeloesHollandex/ex 7,00
LPTricksterFind The LadyUKex/ex 10,00
LPTrio AtheneeSameFranceex/ex 7,00
LPTriumviratRussian RouletteGermanyvg+/ex 9,00
LPTrower, RobinIn City DreamsUSAex/vg+co12,00
LPTrower, RobinVictims Of The FuryUSAex/exco12,00
LPTubesLove BombGermanyvg+/extoc7,00
LPTucky BuzzardBuzzardUSAex/exco, promo12,00
LPTurner, IkeTalent Scout BluesUKex/ex 12,00
LPTwelfth NightCollectors ItemUKex/vg+inn, 2-LP20,00
LPTwiggySameUKex/ex 7,00
LPTwinn ConnexionSameUSAvg+/exco20,00
LPTyndall, NikEntspannungGermanyex/ex 12,00
LPTyndall, NikHorizonteGermanyex/ex 14,00
LPUggla, MagnusVittringSwedenex/exinn7,00
LPUnderwood, Charlie Glide BandBirth Of a SoundUSAvg+/exco9,00
LPUnicornBlue Pine TreesUKvg+/extoc17,00
LPUnited Sons Of AmericaGreeting From The U.S. Of A.USAvg+/vg+co, toc12,00
LPUrbaniak, MichalBurning CircuitsUKvg+/extoc, woc7,00
LPUrbaniak, MichalCinemodeUKex/ex 12,00
LPUrbaniak, MichalSongs For PolandUKvg+/vg+woc7,00
LP(Urge Overkill) Kato, NashDebutanteGermanyex/exw/ 7" single14,00
LPWa Wa NeeSameUSAex/exinn7,00
LPWagner, AdrianThe Last IncaUKex/ex 14,00
LPWaite, JohnRover's ReturnHollandex/exinn7,00
LPWakeman, RickJourney To The Centre Of The EarthJapanex/exbooklet, ins20,00
LPWakeman, RickJourney To The Centre Of The EarthSwedenex/vg+ 12,00
LPWakeman, RickLive At HammersmithPolandex/ex 9,00
LPWakeman, RickRhapsodiesItalyex/vg+2-LP12,00
LPWakeman, RickThe Myths And Legends Of King Arthur...Japanex/exinn, obi, ri C25Y311530,00
LPWakeman, RickThe Six Wives Of Henry VIIIUSAvg+/exwoc, quadraphonic17,00
LPWakeman, RickWhite RockPhillippinesvg+/ex 9,00
LPWalsh, JoeThe Best OfUKvg+/extoc9,00
LPWalsh, JoeThere Goes The NeighborhoodItalyex/vg+inn, co9,00
LPVan Horn, JohnOut Back MusicUSAex/exco12,00
LPVangelisSee You LaterHollandvg+/vg+inn, toc9,00
LP(Vangelis) Jon And VangelisThe Best OfGermanyex/ex 7,00
LPVanity FareHitchin' a RideUKvg+/exri9,00
LPWard, Clifford T.Mantle PiecesUKex/exins12,00
LPWard, Clifford T.No More Rock 'n' RollUKex/exinn12,00
LPVariationsTake It Or Leave ItFranceex/ex 20,00
LPVariousAbsolute BeginnersUSAex/exinn, co9,00
LPVariousCat PeopleNorwayex/ex 9,00
LPVariousCatch My SoulUSAex/ex 14,00
LPVariousEesti Pop XIRussiaex/vg+ 7,00
LPVariousEl PeaUKvg+/vg+2-LP, woc10,00
LPVariousElectric Guitar PlayerGermanyex/ex2-LP10,00
LPVariousHard-Up HeroesUKex/ex2-LP25,00
LPVariousHas It Dawned On You?UKvg+/exFruupp, Gravy Train, Jonesy etc.12,00
LPVariousHitlåtarna Från Radioprogrammet Tio i Topp Vol. 2Swedenex/ex2-LP12,00
LPVariousIn Our Own Way / Oldies But GoodiesHollandex/ex 14,00
LPVariousOne More ChanceUKex/vg+inn12,00
LPVariousOutlaw BluesUSAex/exco7,00
LPVariousPeaches - Pick Of The CropUSAvg+/vg+2-LP12,00
LPVariousSearch & DisobeyUKex/ex2x10"12,00
LPVariousSuck It And SeeNorwayex/exVertigo compilation14,00
LPVariousSuper Duper BluesUKvg+/vg+wol, woc, Blue Horizon30,00
LPVariousSuper Rock & RollHollandex/ex2-LP7,00
LPVariousSuperpopUKvg+/ex 5,00
LPVariousThe Clouds Have Groovy Faces - Rubble 6UKex/exins12,00
LPVariousThe Names Of The GameUKex/vg+ 12,00
LPVariousThe Waking DreamUKex/ex 14,00
LPVariousWild ConnectionsUKvg+/exins, co, toc7,00
LPWarner, FlorenceSameUKex/exco12,00
LPWarnes, JenniferFamous Blue RaincoatSwedenex/vg+ 9,00
LPVartan, SylvieJe Chante Pour SwaneeFranceex/ex 9,00
LPWashington, EllaSameUSAvg+/vg+co40,00
LPWaterboysRoom To RoamGermanyex/exinn12,00
LPWeatherly, JimWeatherlyUKvg+/ex 9,00
LPVee, BobbyCome Back When You Grow UpUSAvg+/vg+woc9,00
LPVee, BobbyDo What You Gotta DoUSAex/vg+ 9,00
LPVela, RosieZazuGermanyvg+/vg+ 5,00
LPVenus BeadsIncisionHollandex/exinn7,00
LPWenzdayNearly Made ItCanadaex/exinn9,00
LPWham!The FinalHollandex/ex2-LP, inn, ins12,00
LPWhere The Moon Came FromTwin Of PangaeaGermanyex/ex 14,00
LPWhitefaceLive At The AgoraUSAex/expromo9,00
LPWhitlock, BobbySameUSAex/exco12,00
LPWhoFace DancesGreecevg+/exins12,00
LPWhoThe Best Of The Last Ten YearsFranceex/ex2-LP14,00
LP(Who) Daltrey, RogerOne Of The BoysNorwayex/ex 9,00
LP(Who) Daltrey, RogerUnder a Raging MoonGermanyvg+/vg+inn, toc7,00
LP(Who) Entwistle, JohnWhistle RymesGermanyex/exsoc20,00
LP(Who) Townshend, PeteWhite City - A NovelGermanyex/exinn9,00
LPWidowmakerToo Late To CryUSAvg+/exinn, co12,00
LPWig TortüreJust Say FlowUSAvg+/ex 14,00
LPWiggy BitsSameUSAvg/vg+ 14,00
LPWild CherryElectrified FunkItalyex/exinn7,00
LPWilde, DannyAny Man's HungerGermanyex/exinn7,00
LPWilde, DannyThe BoyfriendGermanyvg+/exwoc7,00
LPWilde, KimCatch As Catch CanHollandex/exinn7,00
LPWildlife JazzbandListen To The TigersSwitzerlandex/ex 7,00
LPWilliams, JerryDr. Williams & Mr. DynamiteSwedenex/ex 25,00
LPWilliams, JohnGuitar RecitalUKex/ex 14,00
LPWilliams, PaulA Little Bit Of LoveUSAex/exins7,00
LPWilliams, Paul & The FriendsIn Memory Of Robert JohnsonGermanyex/exwhite vinyl, ri20,00
LPWilliams, VictoriaSwing The Statue!UKex/exinn7,00
LPWilson, BrianSame (1988)Canadaex/exinn9,00
LPWilson, MariThe Rhythm RomanceUKvg+/extoc9,00
LPWinter, Edgar GroupWith Rick DerringerJapanex/exins, poster, obi, ECPO-6935,00
LPWinter, JohnnyCaptured Live!Hollandex/exinn14,00
LPWinter, JohnnyLivin' In The BluesUKvg+/exwoc, "Showcase"9,00
LPWinter, JohnnyThe Johnny Winter StorySwedenex/vg+ 12,00
LPWishbone AshNo Smoke Without FireUSAvg+/vg+ins9,00
LPVitale, JoePlantation HarborUSAex/exinn9,00
LPWizards From KansasSameUKex/exri "Radioactive", numbered14,00
LPWizzardEddy And The FalconsUKex/ex 14,00
LP(Wizzard) Wood, RoyBouldersUKex/ex 20,00
LP(Wizzard) Wood, RoyBouldersUKex/exri "Harvest Heritage"12,00
LP(Wizzard) Wood, RoyOn The Road AgainUSAvg+/vgtoc, soc, tol7,00
LPVomit LaunchDon't Say NeinGermanyex/expromo insert17,00
LPWonder StuffHupHollandvg+/vg+inn, toc7,00
LPWoodmansley, Woody U-BoatSameUKex/exinn14,00
LPYardbirdsFavoritesUSAvg+/ex 12,00
LPYellow DogBeware Of The DogUKvg/exinn7,00
LPYesBig GeneratorUSAvg+/exinn, co, woc12,00
LPYesThe LadderEUex/m2-LP, unplayed copy60,00
LPYesYesterdaysUSAvg+/vg+inn, toc14,00
LP(Yes) Anderson, Jon3 ShipsGermanyex/exinn7,00
LPYoung & MoodySameUSAvg+/exins, co, toc9,00
LPYoung, John PaulLove Is In The AirGermanyvg+/ex 7,00
LPYoung, NeilHawks & DovesMexicovg+/ex 20,00
LPYoung, NeilRe-Ac-TorGermanyex/exinn9,00
LPYoung, PaulBetween Two FiresHollandex/exinn5,00
LPYoung, PaulFrom Time To Time - The Singles CollectionHollandex/exins7,00
LPYpsilonMetro Music ManHollandex/ex 14,00
LPZager & EvansSameUSAm/mstill sealed, co20,00
LPZanteesOut For KicksFinlandvg+/extoc14,00
LPZappa, FrankOver-Nite SensationUSAvg+/vg+ 20,00
LP(Zappa, Frank) Mothers Of InventionPregnantGermanyex/ex 50,00
LPZelkine, AlexandrePessimisteUSAex/exco12,00
LPZimmerman O. O. Of Off O. AuraRewindforwardGermanyvg+/exins12,00
LPZimmerman O. O. Of Off O. AuraSameGermanyex/exins12,00
LPZZ TopAfterburnerGermanyvg/exblack inner9,00

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Updated: 15.01.2025